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Wounded American Veterans Event

: Disabled veterans who have sustained physical and psychological wounds
What: Sail around Harbor or Bay
Why: A simple thank you for their service and sacrifice

It’s difficult to know how to thank all the military veterans who have risked life and limb in service of our country, but a free day of sailing, barbecue, music and prize raffles isn't a bad place to start.

The Wounded American Veteran Event is a boating day when volunteers use their own boats to give cruises to soldiers who have been injured or disabled while serving in the armed forces.

W.A.V.E., is a private, all volunteer initiative first organized by Pensacola Bay Area Yacht Clubs, to honor our nation's disabled veterans.

Originated by Navy Yacht Club Pensacola, and joined by Pensacola Yacht Club, Pensacola Beach Yacht Club, Ft. Walton Yacht Club, Eglin Yacht Club and Pt. Yacht Club, W.A.V.E. 2012 was the first of what has become an annual event.

In 2013, W.A.V.E. became an affiliated program of the Florida Commodores Association which undertook sponsorship and encouraged the growth of the program throughout Florida.

In 2014, Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club, Isles Yacht Club, Platinum Point Yacht Club, the Punta Gorda Sailing Club and the Punta Gorda Boat Club came together to launch the project on the west coast of Florida.

W.A.V.E. features a sail on private boats for wounded veterans and an adult guest of their choice. The afternoon's activities include an opening ceremony with color guard, live entertainment, and a complimentary lunch and beverages. Veterans are presented with a commemorative cap.
If your Yacht Club is interested in starting a W.A.V.E. project, FCA can provide guidance and support.  Click below to learn more about what it takes to get a program started.
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