My husband and I moved from Miami to DeLand on Lake Beresford in 1998. The Lake Beresford Yacht Club was directly across the lake from us and quite enticing which caused us to quickly join.
My husband passed away in 2006 and the Yacht Club was completely lost to a fire in 2007. It was a time of many adjustments for me. Good friends and great dining were still at the Club to help me through that period.
After the fire, it was suggested to me that I might join the Halifax River Yacht Club, which I did, while keeping my Lake Beresford membership. Halifax gave me quite an education concerning the formal happenings of a Yacht Club. I became an active member of the Commodears, the ladies’ group, and was chosen to be their Board representative, attending the Club's Board meetings, and returning to the ladies with a full report of the happenings. I served in that position for three years experiencing the leadership of three Commodores and their Boards which gave me a thorough knowledge of all the inner workings of a Yacht Club.
Lake Beresford had a long period of planning after the fire with the Groundbreaking not until May of 2013 and the Grand Opening not held until January of 2014, at which the Florida Commodores Association conducted a Sundowners Ceremony. That was another formal event of which I became aware.
All this led to a very active Yacht Club life for me. In May of 2013 I attended the International Commodores Association Academy of Officers & Professionals, in February of 2014 I was requested by Lake Beresford to serve as their Director to the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs and in November of 2015 I attended an FCA Leadership Seminar. The training and experience I received in all these opportunities greatly assisted me in 2017 as I became Vice Commodore of Lake Beresford and when I served as Commodore for 2018-19.
I am presently in my seventh year of service as Director for Lake Beresford Yacht Club to the Florida Council of Yacht Club. For the last four years I have served on the Council's Executive Board serving as both Parliamentarian and Membership Chair.